counsellor of stateの例文


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  1. Lord Harewood served as a Counsellor of State in 1947, 1953 54, and 1956.
  2. Maybe things like Regent and Counsellor of State, since they are basically temporary monarchs.
  3. He has also acted as Counsellor of State during periods of the Queen's absence abroad.
  4. In 1677 he was appointed interim viceroy of Sicily, counsellor of state and archbishop of Toledo.
  5. He has also acted as Counsellor of State.


  1. "counselling teams"の例文
  2. "counsellings"の例文
  3. "counsellor"の例文
  4. "counsellor at law"の例文
  5. "counsellor of foreign affairs"の例文
  6. "counsellor office of the state council"の例文
  7. "counsellor to the president"の例文
  8. "counsellors"の例文
  9. "counsellors of state"の例文
  10. "counsellorship"の例文
  11. "counsellor at law"の例文
  12. "counsellor of foreign affairs"の例文
  13. "counsellor office of the state council"の例文
  14. "counsellor to the president"の例文

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