counsellor to the presidentの例文


  1. McGarry has a heart attack but later returns to work as Special Counsellor to the President.
  2. From 1994 until 1999 he was the Chief Economist and Special Counsellor to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  3. He served in government as law adviser to the Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy ( 2005-2007 ), deputy Head of Cabinet to the Immigration Minister ( 2007-2009 ), the Labour Minister ( 2009 ) and the Interior Minister ( 2009-2011 ) Brice Hortefeux, and Counsellor to the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy ( 2011-2012 ).


  1. "counsellor"の例文
  2. "counsellor at law"の例文
  3. "counsellor of foreign affairs"の例文
  4. "counsellor of state"の例文
  5. "counsellor office of the state council"の例文
  6. "counsellors"の例文
  7. "counsellors of state"の例文
  8. "counsellorship"の例文
  9. "counsellorships"の例文
  10. "counsellour"の例文
  11. "counsellor of state"の例文
  12. "counsellor office of the state council"の例文
  13. "counsellors"の例文
  14. "counsellors of state"の例文

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