damage awardsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Meanwhile, Congress is drafting civil liability legislation that could limit damage awards.
  2. Any other limits on damage awards would be governed by state law.
  3. Some have proposed legislation to curb damage awards in Year 2000 lawsuits.
  4. :: I agree that damage awards can be held to be excessive.
  5. Both houses have also passed bills limiting damage awards in product-liability cases.


  1. "damage area"の例文
  2. "damage assessment"の例文
  3. "damage associated molecular pattern molecule"の例文
  4. "damage associated molecular pattern molecules"の例文
  5. "damage assumption"の例文
  6. "damage beyond repair"の例文
  7. "damage bonus"の例文
  8. "damage by air pollution"の例文
  9. "damage by chemicals"の例文
  10. "damage by disease"の例文
  11. "damage associated molecular pattern molecules"の例文
  12. "damage assumption"の例文
  13. "damage beyond repair"の例文
  14. "damage bonus"の例文

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