damage beyond repairの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Lynedoch was shut down after the water system was damaged beyond repair.
  2. Bumblebee recovers and is repaired, although his voice is damaged beyond repair.
  3. There was no major injuries but the aircraft was damaged beyond repair.
  4. The aircraft was damaged beyond repair, but all 60 aboard evacuated unharmed.
  5. At least 2 Apaches of the helicopter regiment were damaged beyond repair.


  1. "damage assessment"の例文
  2. "damage associated molecular pattern molecule"の例文
  3. "damage associated molecular pattern molecules"の例文
  4. "damage assumption"の例文
  5. "damage awards"の例文
  6. "damage bonus"の例文
  7. "damage by air pollution"の例文
  8. "damage by chemicals"の例文
  9. "damage by disease"の例文
  10. "damage by dragging"の例文
  11. "damage assumption"の例文
  12. "damage awards"の例文
  13. "damage bonus"の例文
  14. "damage by air pollution"の例文

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