damage by chemicalsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. In some cases, he added, wiring had been damaged by chemicals such as anti-corrision spray and overflow from lavatories.
  2. In some cases, he added, wiring had been damaged by chemicals such as anticorrosion spray and overflow from lavatories.
  3. Donated hair must be at least 10 inches long; bundled in a ponytail or braid; clean, dry and placed in a plastic bag; and free of hair damaged by chemical processing.
  4. ANTI-CHEMICAL-DEVICE ( San Antonio ) _ The Pentagon is launching a $ 2 million program to study a new device that would keep soldiers alive if their lungs were severely damaged by chemical warfare agents.
  5. Donated hair must be at least 10 inches ( preferably 12 inches ) long; bundled in a pony tail or braid; clean and dry, and free of hair damaged by chemical processing; and mailed in a plastic bag inside a padded envelope to Locks of Love, 1640 S . Congress Ave ., Suite 104, Palm Springs, FL 33461.


  1. "damage assumption"の例文
  2. "damage awards"の例文
  3. "damage beyond repair"の例文
  4. "damage bonus"の例文
  5. "damage by air pollution"の例文
  6. "damage by disease"の例文
  7. "damage by dragging"の例文
  8. "damage by drought"の例文
  9. "damage by fire"の例文
  10. "damage by friction"の例文
  11. "damage bonus"の例文
  12. "damage by air pollution"の例文
  13. "damage by disease"の例文
  14. "damage by dragging"の例文

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