damage by fireの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The hall was badly damaged by fire and largely rebuilt in 1882.
  2. Prior to this the existing mansion house had been damaged by fire.
  3. The new station was damaged by fire in 1895 and substantially rebuilt.
  4. The mosque was damaged by fire in 1990 and again in 2003.
  5. Garbage cans and several bus stop shelters also were damaged by fire.


  1. "damage by air pollution"の例文
  2. "damage by chemicals"の例文
  3. "damage by disease"の例文
  4. "damage by dragging"の例文
  5. "damage by drought"の例文
  6. "damage by friction"の例文
  7. "damage by frost"の例文
  8. "damage by hail"の例文
  9. "damage by humidity"の例文
  10. "damage by insects"の例文
  11. "damage by dragging"の例文
  12. "damage by drought"の例文
  13. "damage by friction"の例文
  14. "damage by frost"の例文

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