damage by lightningの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  1. In the 18th century the monastery was severely damaged by lightning.
  2. The church, although devastated by fire and damaged by lightning, has been preserved.
  3. The campanile was damaged by lightning again in 1761 and 1762.
  4. However it has been damaged by lightning in 1821 and a fire in 1910.
  5. Moreover, modern sailplanes are filled with electronic devices that can be damaged by lightning.


  1. "damage by friction"の例文
  2. "damage by frost"の例文
  3. "damage by hail"の例文
  4. "damage by humidity"の例文
  5. "damage by insects"の例文
  6. "damage by lightning strike"の例文
  7. "damage by lightning strikes"の例文
  8. "damage by moisture"の例文
  9. "damage by severe frost"の例文
  10. "damage by snow"の例文
  11. "damage by humidity"の例文
  12. "damage by insects"の例文
  13. "damage by lightning strike"の例文
  14. "damage by lightning strikes"の例文

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