deleon springsの例文


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  1. -OUTDOORS New Butterfly garden at DeLeon Springs in Deland.
  2. DeLeon Springs was first occupied as early as Seminole began to settle in the area.
  3. De Leon Springs State Park is located in DeLeon Springs, as is the Strawn Historic Citrus Packing House District.
  4. He also won the AMA National Hot Shoe 505 Expert and the 750 / 1000 Expert races at DeLeon Springs, Florida.
  5. The "'Strawn Historic Agricultural District "'is a U . S . historic district ( designated as such on September 13, 1993 ) located in DeLeon Springs, Florida.


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  11. "deleon plaza and bandstand"の例文
  12. "deleon richards"の例文
  13. "deleonardis"の例文
  14. "deleonism"の例文

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