

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. But the family of one of the investors, John DeLeonardis, encouraged him to try to revive the drive-in.
  2. Subsequent presidents included Hank Auch, George W . ( Bill ) Auch III, Fred J . Auch Jr, David Hamilton and Vincent DeLeonardis.
  3. "To take down something like this, it would be a sin, " said DeLeonardis . " Besides, it's going gangbusters ."
  4. Current band members are Albert Pavlik ( Lead Guitar ), Artie Deleonardis ( drums ), JR Wright ( keyboards ), and Rich Gooch ( bass ).
  5. The attorney, William J . DeLeonardis, complained about the practice in a 1998 letter to U . S . Rep . Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Houston, soon after he ended 15 years of work for the agency.


  1. "deleobuvir"の例文
  2. "deleon"の例文
  3. "deleon plaza and bandstand"の例文
  4. "deleon richards"の例文
  5. "deleon springs"の例文
  6. "deleonism"の例文
  7. "deleonist"の例文
  8. "deleonists"の例文
  9. "deleornis"の例文
  10. "deleornis fraseri"の例文
  11. "deleon richards"の例文
  12. "deleon springs"の例文
  13. "deleonism"の例文
  14. "deleonist"の例文

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