direct access storage deviceの例文


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  1. The IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Device was introduced in June 1980.
  2. IBM uses many terms to describe its various magnetic disk drives, such as direct access storage device, disk file and diskette file.
  3. The product, called Iceberg, uses DASD, or direct access storage device technology to quickly store and recall data from a number of disk drives.
  4. In the 1970s IBM introduced the Direct Access Storage Device ( DASD ) with fixed-block architecture using sizes of 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096 bytes.
  5. IBM introduced the IBM 3310 Direct Access Storage Device on January 30, 1979 for VM, the only S / 370 operating systems that supports FBA devices.


  1. "direct access file"の例文
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  3. "direct access method"の例文
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  5. "direct access storage"の例文
  6. "direct access storage devices"の例文
  7. "direct access storage facilities"の例文
  8. "direct access storage facility"の例文
  9. "direct access trading"の例文
  10. "direct access unit"の例文
  11. "direct access services"の例文
  12. "direct access storage"の例文
  13. "direct access storage devices"の例文
  14. "direct access storage facilities"の例文

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