discharged against medical adviceの例文


  1. These people are free to discharge against medical advice, unless it is felt that they are at immediate risk, then a doctor can use mental health law to hold people in the hospital for up to 72 hours.


  1. "discharge year"の例文
  2. "discharge zone"の例文
  3. "dischargeable"の例文
  4. "dischargeable capacity"の例文
  5. "discharged"の例文
  6. "discharged as loaded"の例文
  7. "discharged ballast water"の例文
  8. "discharged bankrupt"の例文
  9. "discharged battery"の例文
  10. "discharged bill"の例文
  11. "dischargeable capacity"の例文
  12. "discharged"の例文
  13. "discharged as loaded"の例文
  14. "discharged ballast water"の例文

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