discharged billの例文


  1. We are going to discharge Bill Clinton from the White House,
  2. At one point, a urologist signed on to remove a cancerous, but nonworking, kidney; then, satisfied that the cancer and the postoperative danger of infection were contained, he sent his bill and discharged Bill.


  1. "discharged against medical advice"の例文
  2. "discharged as loaded"の例文
  3. "discharged ballast water"の例文
  4. "discharged bankrupt"の例文
  5. "discharged battery"の例文
  6. "discharged by"の例文
  7. "discharged diagnosis"の例文
  8. "discharged from"の例文
  9. "discharged from liability"の例文
  10. "discharged from prison"の例文
  11. "discharged bankrupt"の例文
  12. "discharged battery"の例文
  13. "discharged by"の例文
  14. "discharged diagnosis"の例文

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