discharged diagnosisの例文


  1. It will be covered based on the presenting symptoms, not the discharge diagnosis,
  2. His discharge diagnosis : fever of unknown origin.


  1. "discharged ballast water"の例文
  2. "discharged bankrupt"の例文
  3. "discharged battery"の例文
  4. "discharged bill"の例文
  5. "discharged by"の例文
  6. "discharged from"の例文
  7. "discharged from liability"の例文
  8. "discharged from prison"の例文
  9. "discharged fuel"の例文
  10. "discharged liquid"の例文
  11. "discharged bill"の例文
  12. "discharged by"の例文
  13. "discharged from"の例文
  14. "discharged from liability"の例文

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