discharged fromの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Papakrasas, 62, was discharged from the hospital last Friday.
  2. I was two days away from my discharge from the service.
  3. He also was given a dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corps.
  4. Hankinson was discharged from the psychiatric unit on Oct . 8.
  5. Banuelos has since received an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps.


  1. "discharged bankrupt"の例文
  2. "discharged battery"の例文
  3. "discharged bill"の例文
  4. "discharged by"の例文
  5. "discharged diagnosis"の例文
  6. "discharged from liability"の例文
  7. "discharged from prison"の例文
  8. "discharged fuel"の例文
  9. "discharged liquid"の例文
  10. "discharged patients"の例文
  11. "discharged by"の例文
  12. "discharged diagnosis"の例文
  13. "discharged from liability"の例文
  14. "discharged from prison"の例文

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