

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Estonian officials expressed mild dismay over Yeltsin's remarks Wednesday.
  2. Eventually, she moved her office elsewhere in frustration and dismay.
  3. The dismay hinges on the question : Will this ever end?
  4. It printed small claims judgments, to the dismay of many.
  5. To the dismay of the Americans, the Japanese have withdrawn.


  1. "dismay at"の例文
  2. "dismay by"の例文
  3. "dismayed"の例文
  4. "dismaying"の例文
  5. "dismayingly"の例文
  6. "disme"の例文
  7. "dismember"の例文
  8. "dismember the remains"の例文
  9. "dismembered"の例文
  10. "dismembered body"の例文
  11. "dismaying"の例文
  12. "dismayingly"の例文
  13. "disme"の例文
  14. "dismember"の例文

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