

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. All these features play a critical role in attracting seed dispersers.
  2. They are important pollinators and dispersers of mistletoes in forests.
  3. Thus, they are important seed dispersers for certain plants.
  4. The bats are key pollinators and seed dispersers for native trees and plants.
  5. The berries are harmless to birds, the plants'primary seed dispersers.


  1. "disperseing medium"の例文
  2. "dispersement"の例文
  3. "dispersements"の例文
  4. "dispersent"の例文
  5. "disperser"の例文
  6. "disperses"の例文
  7. "dispersibility"の例文
  8. "dispersible"の例文
  9. "dispersible powder"の例文
  10. "dispersible tablet"の例文
  11. "dispersent"の例文
  12. "disperser"の例文
  13. "disperses"の例文
  14. "dispersibility"の例文

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