dollar oilの例文


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  1. Forty-seven-dollar oil translates into inflated living costs and stalled economic growth.
  2. In the multimillion-dollar oil-rich Koch family, it's a rare event.
  3. Exxon Corp . said it will develop a multibillion-dollar oil and petrochemical joint venture in China's Fujian province.
  4. Savalajnen linked Azerbaijan's economic progress to the multibillion-dollar oil deal signed with an international oil consortium in 1994.
  5. Companies often pool resources to develop multi-billion-dollar oil fields or share stakes in refineries to share risks and expenses.


  1. "dollar marks"の例文
  2. "dollar menu"の例文
  3. "dollar mountain"の例文
  4. "dollar note"の例文
  5. "dollar notes"の例文
  6. "dollar ou deux"の例文
  7. "dollar outflow"の例文
  8. "dollar parity"の例文
  9. "dollar plant"の例文
  10. "dollar point"の例文
  11. "dollar note"の例文
  12. "dollar notes"の例文
  13. "dollar ou deux"の例文
  14. "dollar outflow"の例文

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