dollar outflowの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. This would slow the dollar outflow and help boost the American currency.
  2. The pressure of dollar outflow forced Chaiyawat to do some hard thinking.
  3. The NDFs are supposed to be attractive because there would be no dollar outflow.
  4. This huge dollar outflow to Japan has been partly responsible for the dollar's previous weakness.
  5. Value funds have been popular, while mid-cap and large-cap growth funds have seen multibillion-dollar outflows.


  1. "dollar mountain"の例文
  2. "dollar note"の例文
  3. "dollar notes"の例文
  4. "dollar oil"の例文
  5. "dollar ou deux"の例文
  6. "dollar parity"の例文
  7. "dollar plant"の例文
  8. "dollar point"の例文
  9. "dollar policy"の例文
  10. "dollar pool"の例文
  11. "dollar oil"の例文
  12. "dollar ou deux"の例文
  13. "dollar parity"の例文
  14. "dollar plant"の例文

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