dollar rollの例文


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  1. That's the condition that dollar rolls don't meet.
  2. Additionally, the system will allow complex transactions known as overnight dollar rolls and repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements.
  3. Dollar rolls help investors achieve various objectives, such as staying invested in mortgages while earning a trading spread.
  4. A dollar bought six minutes, and for a ten dollar roll of quarters two players could play non-stop for an hour.
  5. With repurchase agreements exactly the same security is returned to the investor, while with dollar rolls the investor buys a substantially similar but not necessarily identical security.


  1. "dollar rate"の例文
  2. "dollar remittance"の例文
  3. "dollar rent a car"の例文
  4. "dollar reserve"の例文
  5. "dollar return"の例文
  6. "dollar roller"の例文
  7. "dollar sale"の例文
  8. "dollar savings bank"の例文
  9. "dollar series"の例文
  10. "dollar shave club"の例文
  11. "dollar reserve"の例文
  12. "dollar return"の例文
  13. "dollar roller"の例文
  14. "dollar sale"の例文

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