door wide openの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. In some ways, she is kicking the door wide open.
  2. I have kept my doors wide open from midnight till dawn.
  3. But Malone left the door wide open with everything on the line.
  4. But a moment later he leaves the door wide open to possibilities.
  5. Those two losses blew the door wide open for CU.


  1. "door viewer"の例文
  2. "door village"の例文
  3. "door way"の例文
  4. "door wedge"の例文
  5. "door whole-plant equipment"の例文
  6. "door width"の例文
  7. "door wilskracht sterk"の例文
  8. "door window"の例文
  9. "door with seven locks"の例文
  10. "door with sidelights"の例文
  11. "door wedge"の例文
  12. "door whole-plant equipment"の例文
  13. "door width"の例文
  14. "door wilskracht sterk"の例文

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