door windowの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Screen doors windows were added in several places starting in 1925.
  2. Door windows are dirty, the floors old and scuffed.
  3. He frantically grabs the bars of a door window and shakes it.
  4. I waved a final goodbye through the small wire-meshed door window.
  5. A back-door window was covered by a white terry-cloth towel.


  1. "door wedge"の例文
  2. "door whole-plant equipment"の例文
  3. "door wide open"の例文
  4. "door width"の例文
  5. "door wilskracht sterk"の例文
  6. "door with seven locks"の例文
  7. "door with sidelights"の例文
  8. "door within"の例文
  9. "door zone"の例文
  10. "door-god"の例文
  11. "door width"の例文
  12. "door wilskracht sterk"の例文
  13. "door with seven locks"の例文
  14. "door with sidelights"の例文

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