dorsal carpalの例文


  1. It is made up of the dorsal carpal branches of both the ulnar and radial arteries.
  2. At the lower part of the forearm it anastomoses with the termination of the volar interosseous artery, and with the dorsal carpal network.


  1. "dorsal border"の例文
  2. "dorsal branch"の例文
  3. "dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve"の例文
  4. "dorsal branch of ulnar nerve"の例文
  5. "dorsal branches"の例文
  6. "dorsal carpal branch"の例文
  7. "dorsal carpal network"の例文
  8. "dorsal cavity"の例文
  9. "dorsal cell"の例文
  10. "dorsal chamber"の例文
  11. "dorsal branch of ulnar nerve"の例文
  12. "dorsal branches"の例文
  13. "dorsal carpal branch"の例文
  14. "dorsal carpal network"の例文

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