もっと例文: 1 2 3 4 5
- The largest is the Debate College or Faculty for Logic, the Shadupling Dratsang.
- In 1711, Chuzang Lozang-tenpay-gyeltsen built a new Tantric College, Ngagpa Dratsang.
- The fourth college at Kumbum is the Kalachakra College, D黭hor Dratsang or Dukor Dratsang Rigden Losel ling.
- The fourth college at Kumbum is the Kalachakra College, D黭hor Dratsang or Dukor Dratsang Rigden Losel ling.
- With the appointment of several famous doctors, the Medical College, Menpa Dratsang Sorig-dargyey-zhenpen-norbuling was opened in 1725.