dust thou art to dust returnest
Members of PAW _ the Poetic Allusion Watch _ instantly caught the secretary's " unto dust " drift . The allusion was to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's " Dust thou art to dust returnest, / Wa......

dust to dust
This gives new meaning to that " dust to dust " send-off. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust . ( Browning, Palm Beach Post) His headstone is huge and reads; " Earth to earth, Dust to Dust. They ......

the dust blows forward and the dust blows back
Three of the pieces were unaccompanied vocal solos ( " Well ", " The Dust Blows Forward and the Dust Blows Back ", and " Orange Claw Hammer " ) while one was a spontaneous improvisation ( ......

1947 bsaa avro lancastrian star dust accident
I think the best example is probably the 1947 BSAA Avro Lancastrian Star Dust accident, where an airliner crashed into a mountain in the Andes and intensive searching did not find it . ( O......

2009 australian dust storm
It was also affected ( but to a lesser extent than southern and western areas ) by the 2009 Australian dust storm. The "'2009 Australian dust storm "', also known as the "'Eastern Australi......

2010 china drought and dust storms
The "'2010 China drought and dust storms "'were a series of severe droughts during the spring of 2010 that affected Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Sichuan, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Chongqing, He......

a bit of dust
Which is enough energy to disturb, say, a bit of dust. He said a bit of dust had blown into his eye, temporarily blinding him. A bit of dust or sand flew up. I opened the fireplace damper ......

a cloud of dust
A cloud of dust from the giant explosion engulfed the Earth. A cloud of dust _ the ball still at his feet. So it was just three yards and a cloud of dust. Too often it provides three innin......

a cloud of red dust
"A Cloud of Red Dust " ( Blue Note ) _ Stefon Harris A cloud of red dust reaches them, causing the mother to shrink back in terror. In a cloud of red dust, hundreds of pairs of hands tosse......

a dust
They got a dust-in-your-teeth experience. He never knew dandies like the ones on a dust jacket. A doctor told him he had a dust-mite allergy. Hearing that felt like a hard rain after a dus......

a film of dust
Nothing so diminishes illusion as a film of dust or the smudge of fingerprints. Those who complete it arrive at Souk Libya red-eyed, dry-mouthed and covered in a film of dust. Li studies i......

a handful of dust
"A Handful of Dust " and " Scoop " in paperback. Why go to all this trouble for a handful of dust? It was eventually published in 1947 as'A Handful of Dust'or'How Long the Night'in English......

a speck of dust
A silicon wafer can be ruined by even a speck of dust. Jupiter can orbit the Sun just as a speck of dust can. As little as a speck of dust can ruin a screen during production. Gooding said......

a town has turned to dust
"Days of Wine and Roses " and " A Town Has Turned to Dust ." Nilsson also directed and adapted Rod Serling's script " A Town Has Turned to Dust " ( 1998 ) into a feature film for the USA N......

a whirl of dust
She points to what will be the kitchen and then hurries off to the chapel, talking excitedly and stirring up a whirl of dust with her unconventional footwear.

abrasion dust
After it was shown that rapeseed treatment did not have the same problems as maize, its use was reinstated under the condition that the pesticide be fixed to the rapeseed grains by an addi......

abrasive dust
This abrasive dust is composed of fossilized silica shells of diatoms, a type of algae. This protective cover can prevent the ingress of abrasive dust particles, dirt, and other common con......

absorbing dust mass
Absorbing dust mass

active dust
The experiment was originally to have concentrated on deposits of dust from the Sahara on the Mediterranean region, but the flight delays now have Columbia overhead during a less active du......

activities of dust
In 2006, Scharin started an experimental music music project named Activities of Dust.

aeolian dust
Two possible mechanisms for the existence of an obliquity tracer found in the Eastern Mediterranean Aeolian dust deposits have been proposed. Strong support for the modulation of the prece......

aerial dust
Aerial dust filter

aerial dust filter
Aerial dust filter

after the dust settles
After the dust settled, the Astros had a new look. After the dust settled, four prisoners'bodies remained unclaimed. After the dust settled a few heroes, like Sig. After the dust settled, ......

against dust
Siheyuan walls provide security as well as protection against dust and storms. They rail against dust, floods, and blasting with its vibration and flying boulders. Some modern knappers wea......