dyadic communicationの例文


  1. Dyadic communication is communication between two people; a dyad is a group of two people between whom messages are sent and received.
  2. His results also theorize that physical closeness create a discomfort in partners that then respond by  increasing physical distance or psychological distance ( Burgoon, p . 33 ) The second scholar, Ira Firestone is known for his research on Reconciling verbal and nonverbal models of dyadic communications.


  1. "dyad"の例文
  2. "dyad symmetry"の例文
  3. "dyad system"の例文
  4. "dyadic"の例文
  5. "dyadic boolean operation"の例文
  6. "dyadic compactum"の例文
  7. "dyadic connective"の例文
  8. "dyadic counterpoint"の例文
  9. "dyadic cubes"の例文
  10. "dyadic developmental psychotherapy"の例文
  11. "dyadic"の例文
  12. "dyadic boolean operation"の例文
  13. "dyadic compactum"の例文
  14. "dyadic connective"の例文

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