electric eyeの例文


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  1. He was responsible for developing an electric eye perforator in the 1930s.
  2. Timers, limit switches and electric eyes are other common elements in control circuits.
  3. "The electric eye technology is very feasible, " he said.
  4. An electric eye senses when Fluffy has done her business.
  5. At each point a measurement of light intensity is made with an electric eye.


  1. "electric excitation"の例文
  2. "electric exhaust fan"の例文
  3. "electric expansion"の例文
  4. "electric exploration"の例文
  5. "electric extractor"の例文
  6. "electric eyes"の例文
  7. "electric factory"の例文
  8. "electric factory concerts"の例文
  9. "electric failure"の例文
  10. "electric fan"の例文
  11. "electric exploration"の例文
  12. "electric extractor"の例文
  13. "electric eyes"の例文
  14. "electric factory"の例文

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