electromagnetic phenomenonの例文


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  1. Maxwell used calculus to exhibit Michael Faraday's theory, that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon.
  2. But he also explores the possibility of prankster spirits, electromagnetic phenomenon, hoaxes and higher consciousness.
  3. Light is an electromagnetic phenomenon, and comparable examples can be found for other electromagnetic phenomena, including moving magnets.
  4. In general, however, quantum mind theories other than these QBD approaches do not treat consciousness as an electromagnetic phenomenon.
  5. For example, refractive index is an electromagnetic phenomenon which occurs at the surface ( or interface ) between two materials.


  1. "electromagnetic oven"の例文
  2. "electromagnetic parking sensor"の例文
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  5. "electromagnetic performance"の例文
  6. "electromagnetic physics"の例文
  7. "electromagnetic pickup"の例文
  8. "electromagnetic pollution"の例文
  9. "electromagnetic potential"の例文
  10. "electromagnetic power"の例文
  11. "electromagnetic penetration"の例文
  12. "electromagnetic performance"の例文
  13. "electromagnetic physics"の例文
  14. "electromagnetic pickup"の例文

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