electronic advocacyの例文


  1. It is written in electronic advocacy tools for other nonprofits.
  2. He is a leading researcher on the use of electronic advocacy, especially the application of Web 2.0 technologies to social action and public policy making.
  3. The newsletter informs and educates gamers about current and potential anti-games legislation, and acts as a call to arms in the association s grass roots lobbying initiatives employing electronic advocacy.


  1. "electronic accounting machine"の例文
  2. "electronic accounting machines"の例文
  3. "electronic action"の例文
  4. "electronic activity"の例文
  5. "electronic adventures"の例文
  6. "electronic affinity"の例文
  7. "electronic age"の例文
  8. "electronic aggression"の例文
  9. "electronic aid"の例文
  10. "electronic aid to navigation"の例文
  11. "electronic activity"の例文
  12. "electronic adventures"の例文
  13. "electronic affinity"の例文
  14. "electronic age"の例文

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