endosomal membraneの例文


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  1. Vps4p is anchored via Vps46p to the endosomal membrane.
  2. This domain is buried in the late endosomal membrane and may associate with the same domain in MENTHO.
  3. The domain mounts TLR 11 to the endosomal membrane and connects the LRR region to the TIR domain.
  4. Once inside the cell, the viral membrane fuses with the endosomal membrane, and the virus genome is released.
  5. VP5 often catalyzes cell fusion, which facilitates the penetration of the endosomal membrane and consequently the release of outer capsid components.


  1. "endoskeletal"の例文
  2. "endoskeleton"の例文
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  5. "endosomal"の例文
  6. "endosomal pathway"の例文
  7. "endosomal vesicle"の例文
  8. "endosomatic"の例文
  9. "endosome"の例文
  10. "endosomes"の例文
  11. "endosmosis"の例文
  12. "endosomal"の例文
  13. "endosomal pathway"の例文
  14. "endosomal vesicle"の例文

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