entamoeba invadensの例文


  1. "Entamoeba invadens " is a causative agent of amoebiasis in reptiles, such as snakes and lizards.
  2. "Entamoeba invadens " is primarily trophozoite stage, which is released from the cyst following introduction into the host environment, and is the disease-causing ( pathogenic ) stage.
  3. "Entamoeba invadens " has been used as a model system for studying development, and encystation " in vitro ", particularly due to difficulties associated with studying encystation in the closely related human parasite " E . histolytica ".


  1. "entame"の例文
  2. "entamoeba"の例文
  3. "entamoeba coli"の例文
  4. "entamoeba gingivalis"の例文
  5. "entamoeba histolytica"の例文
  6. "entamoebidae"の例文
  7. "entamoebids"の例文
  8. "entandrophragma"の例文
  9. "entandrophragma excelsum"の例文
  10. "entandrophragmas"の例文
  11. "entamoeba gingivalis"の例文
  12. "entamoeba histolytica"の例文
  13. "entamoebidae"の例文
  14. "entamoebids"の例文

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