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- in 1242 , he maneuvered to enthrone the emperor gosaga on the order of regent yasutoki .
仁治3年(1242年)、執権泰時の命を受けて後嵯峨天皇の擁立工作を行なった。 - moriya maneuvered to enthrone prince anahobe , but umako preempted his moves by killing the prince .
守屋は穴穂部皇子を皇位に就けようと画策したが、馬子が先手を打って穴穂部皇子を殺した。 - he secretly strengthened his intention to bring down the soga clan ' s powers and searched for an imperial prince to enthrone for this purpose .
密かに蘇我氏体制打倒の意志を固め、擁立すべき皇子を探した。 - on april 21 , as if teishi followed masaruko , she entered into the palace , and was enthrone; she became the second consort of an emperor on june 22 .
多子の後を追うように、4月21日に呈子も入内して、6月22日に立后、中宮となる。 - naramaro asked otomo no komaro to enthrone prince kibumi together with the saeki clan; however , both saeki and otomo refused the proposal .