entrenching toolsの例文


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  1. DEAR PIC : Put down that entrenching tool before you hurt somebody.
  2. No waterproofs, water bottle or entrenching tool were issued.
  3. The entrenching tool weighs and fully extended is long.
  4. The entrenching tool cover had remained unchanged and was also utilized during testing.
  5. Entrenching tools, if strongly built, can also be used as ancillary weapons.


  1. "entrenches"の例文
  2. "entrenching"の例文
  3. "entrenching battalions"の例文
  4. "entrenching shovel"の例文
  5. "entrenching tool"の例文
  6. "entrenchment"の例文
  7. "entrenchment clause"の例文
  8. "entrenchment hypothesis"の例文
  9. "entrenchments"の例文
  10. "entrepass"の例文
  11. "entrenching shovel"の例文
  12. "entrenching tool"の例文
  13. "entrenchment"の例文
  14. "entrenchment clause"の例文

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