

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. It may have been an agricultural community or commercial entrepot.
  2. They have historically been highly concentrated trade and entrepot centres.
  3. Strabo refers to this city as an important entrepot of the Lesser Syrtis.
  4. The Hokkiens make their living through entrepot trade or in the banking industry.
  5. Entrepot mission statement was to bring new products to the market and expand.


  1. "entreposto"の例文
  2. "entrepot"の例文
  3. "entrepot junior secondary school"の例文
  4. "entrepot secondary school"の例文
  5. "entrepot trade"の例文
  6. "entreprenadaktuellt"の例文
  7. "entreprenant"の例文
  8. "entreprenante"の例文
  9. "entreprenerd"の例文
  10. "entrepreneuer"の例文
  11. "entrepot secondary school"の例文
  12. "entrepot trade"の例文
  13. "entreprenadaktuellt"の例文
  14. "entreprenant"の例文

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