exothermic processの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. Polymerization of ethylene oxide is an exothermic process.
  2. In 2006, the company tested a new process based on an exothermic process.
  3. In NVT, the energy of endothermic and exothermic processes is exchanged with a thermostat.
  4. The opposite of an exothermic process is an endothermic process, one that absorbs energy in the form of heat.
  5. The ? " H " is a positive change in endothermic reactions, and negative in heat-releasing exothermic processes.


  1. "exothermic gas"の例文
  2. "exothermic gas generator"の例文
  3. "exothermic heat"の例文
  4. "exothermic oxidation"の例文
  5. "exothermic peak"の例文
  6. "exothermic reaction"の例文
  7. "exothermic reactions"の例文
  8. "exothermic reactor"の例文
  9. "exothermic recombination"の例文
  10. "exothermic weld"の例文
  11. "exothermic oxidation"の例文
  12. "exothermic peak"の例文
  13. "exothermic reaction"の例文
  14. "exothermic reactions"の例文

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