export goodの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The volume of export goods is 0.39 billion dollars.
  2. The principal export goods were tea, rice, and matches.
  3. The factories export goods worth dlrs 1 billion annually.
  4. India currently exports goods to Central Asia countries such as Turkmenistan via Russia.
  5. Abolish all retribusi ( local taxes ) at all levels on export goods.


  1. "export from"の例文
  2. "export function"の例文
  3. "export gas"の例文
  4. "export gold"の例文
  5. "export gold point"の例文
  6. "export goods"の例文
  7. "export growth"の例文
  8. "export growth rate"の例文
  9. "export harbour"の例文
  10. "export hay"の例文
  11. "export gold"の例文
  12. "export gold point"の例文
  13. "export goods"の例文
  14. "export growth"の例文

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