export growthの例文


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  1. French economic growth slowed as investment fell and export growth stagnated.
  2. Shares in major exporters declined amid concern about slowing export growth.
  3. The export growth in April was the slowest since November 1994.
  4. While export growth was strong in November, import growth slowed.
  5. Of ECLAC's 20 nations, 15 showed export growth.


  1. "export gas"の例文
  2. "export gold"の例文
  3. "export gold point"の例文
  4. "export good"の例文
  5. "export goods"の例文
  6. "export growth rate"の例文
  7. "export harbour"の例文
  8. "export hay"の例文
  9. "export house"の例文
  10. "export import bank"の例文
  11. "export good"の例文
  12. "export goods"の例文
  13. "export growth rate"の例文
  14. "export harbour"の例文

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