

  1. According to Evans, Hitler " used his own version of the language of social Darwinism as a central element in the discursive practice of extermination . . . ", and the language of Social Darwinism, in its Nazi variant, helped to remove all restraint from the directors of the " terroristic and exterminatory " policies of the regime, by " persuading them that what they were doing was justified by history, science and nature ".


  1. "exterminations"の例文
  2. "exterminator"の例文
  3. "exterminator 2"の例文
  4. "exterminators"の例文
  5. "exterminators of the year 3000"の例文
  6. "exterminatrix"の例文
  7. "exterminatus"の例文
  8. "extermine"の例文
  9. "exterminism"の例文
  10. "extern"の例文
  11. "exterminators"の例文
  12. "exterminators of the year 3000"の例文
  13. "exterminatrix"の例文
  14. "exterminatus"の例文

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