fine goldの例文


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  1. Except for two fine gold nobles, all of the coins were silver.
  2. It was so rich they didn't waste time panning the finer gold.
  3. The fine gold was generally bright, but the nuggets were iron stained.
  4. This gold franc would have been defined as 0.1 gram of fine gold.
  5. Over sixty men were working the field by December and obtaining fine gold.


  1. "fine gauze"の例文
  2. "fine gem"の例文
  3. "fine gentleman"の例文
  4. "fine ghaedheal"の例文
  5. "fine gilt"の例文
  6. "fine gradation"の例文
  7. "fine grade"の例文
  8. "fine graded"の例文
  9. "fine grading"の例文
  10. "fine grain"の例文
  11. "fine ghaedheal"の例文
  12. "fine gilt"の例文
  13. "fine gradation"の例文
  14. "fine grade"の例文

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