fine grain emulsionの例文
emulsion grain
The development and the application of digital putting pictures together technology solve the question that the microcosmic big hole ca n ' t analysis completely and that the microcosmic p......
fine emulsion
A fine emulsion of ink and water is then developed on the ink form roller. Fine emulsions of pure water have been cooled to " 38 degrees Celsius without nucleation to form ice ..
fine grain
Due to small Vanadium content VG-10 has finer grain content compared to VG-1. Fine grain size gives eutectics both increased strength and increased ductility. The finer grain material used......
fine grain master positive
It was made from a fine grain master positive provided by the UCLA Film and Television Archive. The new print was made from the original 35mm nitrate picture and soundtrack negatives fro......
fine grain steel
Ultrasonic peening improves the fatigue strength of welded joints in a ultra - fine grained steel Steel forgings for pressure purposes . part 4 : weldable fine grain steels with high proof......
fine grain structure
Metals with fine grain structure before melting provide superior wetting to metals with large grains. Cryptocrystalline rocks are good to use for ground stones because they have a very fin......
Property provides more fine - grained control over the default It exposes fine - grained services to the outside world Fertilizers - determination of bulk density of fine - grained fertili......
grain fine
The addition of nanoparticles such as magnesium and calcium makes the HAZ grains finer in plate steel. An eight-real coin nominally weighed 550.209 Spanish grains, which is 423.900 troy / ......
super fine grain
The development of the super fine grain - ceramics in si - al - zr - o system with high content of zro2 is introduced in this paper ; the chemical composition designing , method of prepara......
grain growers grain company
United Grain Growers grain company and the Alberta Pacific Elevator company agreed to accept Pool deliveries in their facilities. Brownlee's presidency coincided with the fiftieth annivers......
grain or grain capacity
Grain or grain capacity
fine feather make fine birds
Fine feathers make fine birds Fine feathers make fine birds Fine feathers make fine birds Fine feathers make fine birds Fine feathers make fine birds As everybody knows , fine feathers mak......
fine feathers make fine birds
Fine feathers make fine birds Fine feathers make fine birds Fine feathers make fine birds Fine feathers make fine birds Fine feathers make fine birds As everybody knows , fine feathers mak......
acid emulsion
However no bitter-masking activity was detected with bitter linoleic acid emulsions.
acid hydrocarbon emulsion
Acid hydrocarbon emulsion
acrylic emulsion
These two product lines were the very first acrylic emulsion artists'paints. Latex and acrylic emulsions require the use of drying retardants suitable for water-based coatings. In industry......
acrylic emulsion paint
Development of environment protective acrylic emulsion paint with high smudge resistance
acrylic polymer emulsion
Acrylic paint's binder is acrylic polymer emulsion as this binder dries, the paint remains flexible.
anionic emulsion
Hydrocarbon binders - anionic emulsions of bitumen - specifications
asphalt emulsion
The classic tree paint is black, because it is based on an asphalt emulsion. The refinery produces a full range of asphalt products, including asphalt emulsion and polymer modified asphalt......
asphalt emulsion coating
Asphalt emulsion coating
asphaltic emulsion
The dam's grout curtain was extended in 1970 after leakage into the power plant reached 429 gallons per minute, using asphaltic emulsion and cement grout, reducing leakage to 37 gpm.
bitumen emulsion
It developed new bitumen emulsion-derived products and diversified into a wide range of road construction services during the 1930s. Bitumen-glued blocks require use of either hot bitumen ......
bituminous emulsion
Leitch Manufacturing Company also made and sold bituminous emulsion. In 1947, many large ironclad buildings in Britain were coated with a bituminous emulsion. Barber made and sold bitumino......
blood transfusion and infusion emulsion
Blood transfusion and infusion emulsion