fine grained structureの例文


  1. Sure we lose a lot of structure, but we couldn't calculate the fine grained structure anyways.


  1. "fine grained sediment"の例文
  2. "fine grained soil"の例文
  3. "fine grained soils"の例文
  4. "fine grained steel"の例文
  5. "fine grained structural steel"の例文
  6. "fine grained texture"の例文
  7. "fine grained wood"の例文
  8. "fine grains"の例文
  9. "fine granular"の例文
  10. "fine granular cast"の例文
  11. "fine grained steel"の例文
  12. "fine grained structural steel"の例文
  13. "fine grained texture"の例文
  14. "fine grained wood"の例文

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