flocked fabricの例文


  1. Flocked fabric, a velvety material used in upholstery and toys, is made from tiny nylon fibers applied to an adhesive-coated backing.
  2. John Woodhouse, spokesman for Microfibres, the world's largest flocked fabric maker, said the firm has done everything recommended by federal regulators and remains committed to solvingthe problem.
  3. The two Rhode Island cases were diagnosed in May and July among employees at the Pawtucket plant of Microfibres Inc ., despite the company's two-year effort to address scientists'and regulators'concerns about a link between the ailment and making flocked fabric for upholstery.


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  5. "flocked"の例文
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  8. "flocker"の例文
  9. "flockhart"の例文
  10. "flocking"の例文
  11. "flocke"の例文
  12. "flocked"の例文
  13. "flocked wallpaper"の例文
  14. "flocken"の例文

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