

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. But officers said most of the dead were Forest Service Smokejumpers.
  2. They looked like a forest of spears marching down the hillside.
  3. Not miss the forest for the trees, so to speak.
  4. MERCO ranch manager George Fore said of attacks on his operation.
  5. Forest Lawn officials said the remains were those of Alexander Williamson.


  1. "forerunner stakes"の例文
  2. "forerunners"の例文
  3. "forerunners of modern socialism"の例文
  4. "forerunners of zionism"の例文
  5. "forerunning"の例文
  6. "foresaid"の例文
  7. "foresail"の例文
  8. "foresails"の例文
  9. "foresaken"の例文
  10. "foresaw"の例文
  11. "forerunners of zionism"の例文
  12. "forerunning"の例文
  13. "foresaid"の例文
  14. "foresail"の例文

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