

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. "These are God-foresaken places that are closed to public monitoring, " he said.
  2. That sent investors who had foresaken the U . S . markets back into dollar-denominated securities, allowing the market to soar.
  3. But he has not foresaken his faith in index funds, and the fact remains that few fund managers beat the market over the long haul.
  4. This could be the year that funds venturing into investor-foresaken places like Mexico, the Philippines and other emerging markets are amply rewarded for their daring.
  5. I would say very clearly that history has not looked kindly upon those that have foresaken their countries to go and fight against their countries, especially with organizations that have totally disrespected the rights of individuals,


  1. "forerunning"の例文
  2. "fores"の例文
  3. "foresaid"の例文
  4. "foresail"の例文
  5. "foresails"の例文
  6. "foresaw"の例文
  7. "foresaying"の例文
  8. "forescout网络准入控制系统"の例文
  9. "forescu"の例文
  10. "forese"の例文
  11. "foresail"の例文
  12. "foresails"の例文
  13. "foresaw"の例文
  14. "foresaying"の例文

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