- 12 . " " As a matter of fact, some have made public that the very creed of postmodernism is its declaration of " fragmentalism " as the real fate of man . ""
- 3 . " " This is why we WILL and ARE seeing fragmentalism taking over the world, except in the area of corporate consolidation, one of the very fuels toward the fragmentations . ""
- 15 . " " When a unitary and comprehensive outlook seems to be looking in on us in our unaccustomed state of heightened or vivified receptivity, we feel a disconcerting awareness, an overriding consciousness somehow posed over against our ordinary and less intense fragmentalism of cognition . ""
- Overall, given this wide-ranging evidence, I think it is incontestible that the term'fragmentalism'is NOT a neologism invented by me, that this article is thus not OR, and though it is not commonly used,'fragmentalism'is certainly a legitimate term used in academic discourse in quite a wide range of disciplines.
- Overall, given this wide-ranging evidence, I think it is incontestible that the term'fragmentalism'is NOT a neologism invented by me, that this article is thus not OR, and though it is not commonly used,'fragmentalism'is certainly a legitimate term used in academic discourse in quite a wide range of disciplines.