

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The prestige of the Frisii among the neighboring Germanic tribes was raised considerably.
  2. The rebelling Batavians were immediately joined by several neighbouring German tribes including the Frisii.
  3. The Frisii, however, misinterpreted Roman inaction.
  4. By AD 28 the Frisii had had enough.
  5. This division of the Frisii into two populations is sometimes thought to explain the Frisiavones.


  1. "frisian solar challenge"の例文
  2. "frisians"の例文
  3. "frisias"の例文
  4. "frisiavones"の例文
  5. "frisicaro"の例文
  6. "frisilia"の例文
  7. "frisilia asiana"の例文
  8. "frisilia crossophaea"の例文
  9. "frisilia forficatella"の例文
  10. "frisilia sejuncta"の例文
  11. "frisiavones"の例文
  12. "frisicaro"の例文
  13. "frisilia"の例文
  14. "frisilia asiana"の例文

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