full highの例文


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  1. On February 2, 2011, WHNT upgraded its newscast productions to full high-definition.
  2. The first full high school class could graduate as soon as 2007.
  3. In 1922 he began a full high school course of four years.
  4. The new video board has full high definition ( HD ) capability.
  5. On May 19, 2010, WHO-DT upgraded further to full high definition local newscasts.


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  6. "full hit"の例文
  7. "full hole"の例文
  8. "full hole drilling"の例文
  9. "full honors funeral"の例文
  10. "full honors funerals"の例文
  11. "full heat treatment"の例文
  12. "full height"の例文
  13. "full hit"の例文
  14. "full hole"の例文

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