

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Fujiwara no Fuyutsugu, a powerful figure in the court of Emperor Saga.
  2. Fuyutsugu contributed to the editing of several works, including the Nihon KMki.
  3. According to the Nihon KMki, Fuyutsugu was talented and magnanimous, gentle and calm.
  4. Aside from his political activities, Fuyutsugu strove to unite the Fujiwara clan with himself as its head.
  5. In 809, Emperor Saga assumed the throne, and Fuyutsugu was promoted at a stroke to and in the Imperial Guard.


  1. "fuyun county"の例文
  2. "fuyuno"の例文
  3. "fuyus"の例文
  4. "fuyushiba"の例文
  5. "fuyuta"の例文
  6. "fuyutsuki"の例文
  7. "fuyuzuki"の例文
  8. "fuz"の例文
  9. "fuza"の例文
  10. "fuzailov"の例文
  11. "fuyushiba"の例文
  12. "fuyuta"の例文
  13. "fuyutsuki"の例文
  14. "fuyuzuki"の例文

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