

  1. He took part in the consecration of James Gadderar in London in 1712.
  2. A supporter of Archibald Campbell and James Gadderar.
  3. He was entrusted with the management of the fund raised by the deprived bishops; and on Ascension day 1713 he was consecrated bishop, together with Jeremy Collier and Samuel Hawes, by his friend Hickes, as suffragan-bishop of Thetford, assisted by two Scottish bishops, Archibald Campbell and James Gadderar, at Hickes's own private chapel in St . Andrew's, Holborn.


  1. "gadde ruthvika shivani"の例文
  2. "gadde sindhura"の例文
  3. "gadded"の例文
  4. "gadded about"の例文
  5. "gadder"の例文
  6. "gadderbaum"の例文
  7. "gadders"の例文
  8. "gaddes"の例文
  9. "gaddesby"の例文
  10. "gaddesden place"の例文
  11. "gadded about"の例文
  12. "gadder"の例文
  13. "gadderbaum"の例文
  14. "gadders"の例文

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