

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. After the fall of Gaddhafi, Libya has been faced with internal struggles.
  2. Over ten ammunition shipments sponsored by Qatar were allegedly delivered to anti-Gaddhafi forces via Sudan.
  3. Thus, Berlin now says that Libya's Colonel Muammar Gaddhafi did not really confess to masterminding Lockerbie, as claimed by Steiner during the meeting.
  4. On June 5 Steiner will get his chance to inform the public about what Col . Gaddhafi had told him at their secret tete-a-tete.


  1. "gadderbaum"の例文
  2. "gadders"の例文
  3. "gaddes"の例文
  4. "gaddesby"の例文
  5. "gaddesden place"の例文
  6. "gaddi"の例文
  7. "gaddi annaram"の例文
  8. "gaddi nasheen"の例文
  9. "gaddi nashin"の例文
  10. "gaddi torso"の例文
  11. "gaddesby"の例文
  12. "gaddesden place"の例文
  13. "gaddi"の例文
  14. "gaddi annaram"の例文

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