gene lohの例文


  1. Gene Loh, a University of Utah physicist, says the testing at Volcano Ranch " proved that we can look at the cosmic ray showers before they hit the ground.
  2. A visit by Taipei's Foreign Minister John Chiang to meet with Alfred Nzo and attempt to salvage the situation produced no results, and so Taipei's ambassador to Pretoria Gene Loh was recalled on 6 December 1996.
  3. After the end of Yang's term as deputy foreign minister in 1979, he became Taipei's ambassador in Pretoria, South Africa; he served in that position until 1989, when he was succeeded by Gene Loh.


  1. "gene location"の例文
  2. "gene loci"の例文
  3. "gene lockhart"の例文
  4. "gene locus"の例文
  5. "gene logsdon"の例文
  6. "gene london"の例文
  7. "gene long"の例文
  8. "gene loss"の例文
  9. "gene louis"の例文
  10. "gene loves jezebel"の例文
  11. "gene locus"の例文
  12. "gene logsdon"の例文
  13. "gene london"の例文
  14. "gene long"の例文

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